Mail Archives: cygwin/1997/06/02/18:32:39
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: CMD, case-insensitive file-name completion
Author: Don Sharp <Don DOT Sharp AT dddandr DOT octacon DOT co DOT uk> at Internet
Date: 5/29/97 10:22 PM
Scott Mintz wrote:
> That's true. The data value below is the <TAB> character. You could
> theoretically change it to something else.
> The actual key is:
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
> Note the space between Command and Processor is necessary.
I am running NT 3.51 SP5 and I haven't got any completion going after
making the entry in my registry. What should I have to do apart from
typing TAB during command line entry? Should it be a binary rather than
string value?
Don Sharp
P.S. I have logged off and logged back in.
> -Scott A. Mintz
> ______________________________ Reply Separator
> Subject: Re: CMD, case-insensitive file-name completion
> Author: RPraetorius AT AspenRes DOT Com at Internet
> Date: 5/27/97 12:08 PM
> CMD also has case-insensitive filename completion. I believe it's
> undocumented, although this may have changed. . . Here's what you need
> in your registry (under HKEY_CURRENT_USER) to turn it on:
> Key Name: Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
> Name: CompletionChar
> Type: REG_SZ
> Data: 9
> (grepping the web for CompletionChar may turn up more info).
> -------p--a--s--s--i--o--n-----n--e--e--d--s-----a-----f--a--c--e-------
> "oncology recapitulates philately" --Mark Maxson Robert M. Praetorius
> "balance, not symmetry" --Mark Stanley work: RPraetorius AT AspenRes DOT Com
> (attribution by Stigler) fun & recreation: rmp AT PopJ1 DOT MA DOT UltraNet DOT Com
> -
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