Mail Archives: cygwin/1997/01/20/19:16:15.1

From: gmarzot AT baynetworks DOT com (Joe Marzot)
Subject: Re: perl on win32 w/ gnu?
20 Jan 1997 19:16:15 -0800 :
Approved: cygnus DOT gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com
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Posted-Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 15:19:40 -0800 (PST)
Original-To: nick AT ni-s DOT u-net DOT com (Nick Ing-Simmons)
Original-Cc: tchrist AT perl DOT com, perl5-porters AT africa DOT nicoh DOT com, gsar AT engin DOT umich DOT edu,
ksncnsl AT world DOT std DOT com, gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com, ilya AT math DOT ohio-state DOT edu,
d_johnso AT baynetworks DOT com
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Original-Sender: owner-gnu-win32 AT cygnus DOT com

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Date: 20 Jan 1997 18:07:09 -0500
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nick AT ni-s DOT u-net DOT com (Nick Ing-Simmons) writes:

> Tom Christiansen <tchrist AT perl DOT com> writes:
> >Perlnews (alas) reads:
> >
> >   Perl5.004 builds out of the box on Unix, Plan9, LynxOS,
> >   VMS, OS/2, QNX, and AmigaOS.
> >
> >Nick, didn't you discover that one could build perl in the Win32
> >environment iff some Gnu (Cygnus?) build environment were included?
> Not me, 
> (Our (work) Win32 machine was an evaluation box and its license has expired).
> but I to think someone did.
> >
> >--tom

Yes perl5 builds under Cygnus's gnuwin32 environment for NT and Win95
with a small patch mentioned below (don't know if this has made it into
5.004). I get 85% test compliance. most of the problems come from fstat

I have attached the email history I saved below.

I have duplicated the results with perl 5.00319 (with one added bug not
mentioned below - io/tell (test 7 fails))

this is really *super* work from Cygnus with the added benefit of very
little impact to the perl source.



perl5.003_17 compiles with minimal changes on WindowsNT
using the freely available Cygnus Win32 toolkit (version 17.1).
The toolkit is available at "".
I have seen one other report to this effect, but the details
were sketchy.  This attempt hopefully provides more info.

Important things to note:

  * apply patch with patch -p0 -N < this_file
  * Run Configure:
      - choose "gnuwin32" for system type
      - $libs must have -lcygwin (hintsfile adds this, so accept default)
      - must provide path to libcygwin.a, libc.a etc., when Configure
        asks for extra libraries (the default in the hintsfile assumes
        you have mounted gnu-win32 in /usr)
      - accept defaults everywhere else
  * make
  * exec of symlinked executables fails in gnuwin32 V17.1, so
    ./t/perl.exe must be a copy of ./perl.exe, not a symlink
    (do this manually before running `make test`)
  * make test

You should have a mostly functional perl (see description of test
failures below).  There does exist a serious problem with the -i
command-line flag (inplace editing of files).  This seems to wipe out
the file, so DO NOT do that.  Most other failures are due to
UNIXisms/bugs in stat().

Mucho thanks to Cygnus for gnu-win32.


 - Sarathy.
   gsar AT engin DOT umich DOT edu

*** Makefile.SH.dist	Sat Dec 28 00:07:22 1996
--- Makefile.SH	Sat Dec 28 00:25:32 1996
*** 311,316 ****
--- 311,317 ----
  	@sh ./makedir lib/auto
  	@echo "	AutoSplitting perl library"
  	@./miniperl -Ilib -e 'use AutoSplit; \
+ 		$$AutoSplit::CheckModTime = 0 if $$^O eq "cygwin32nt"; \
  		autosplit_lib_modules(@ARGV)' lib/*.pm lib/*/*.pm

  # Take care to avoid modifying lib/ without reason
*** pp_sys.c.dist	Wed Dec 31 18:59:10 1969
--- pp_sys.c	Fri Dec 27 20:46:39 1996
*** 3921,3927 ****
! #ifdef HAS_PASSWD
--- 3921,3928 ----
! /* CYGWIN32 is missing setpwent(), (but has the others!) */
! #if 0
*** /dev/null	Sat Dec 28 01:12:48 1996
--- hints/	Fri Dec 27 20:52:34 1996
*** 0 ****
--- 1,23 ----
+ #! /bin/sh
+ # - hintsfile for building perl on Windows NT using the
+ #     Cygnus Win32 Development Kit.
+ #     See "" to learn about the kit.
+ #
+ path_sep=\;
+ exe_ext='.exe'
+ firstmakefile='GNUmakefile'
+ if test -f $sh.exe; then sh=$sh.exe; fi
+ startsh="#!$sh"
+ cc='gcc'
+ ld='gcc'
+ usrinc='/usr/include /usr/i386-cygwin32/lib'
+ libs='-lcygwin -lm -lc'
+ # these are not yet supported
+ #so='dll'
+ #i_dlfcn='define'

bash$ ./perl -Ilib -V
Summary of my perl5 (5 patchlevel 3 subversion 17) configuration:
    osname=cygwin32nt, osvers=3.51, archname=i586-cygwin32nt
    uname='cygwin32nt pujyam 3.51 17.4 i586 '
    hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
    bincompat3=n useperlio= d_sfio=
    cc='gcc', optimize='-g', gccversion=cygnus-2.7.2-961023
    ccflags ='-DDEBUGGING'
    stdchar='char', d_stdstdio=, usevfork=false
    voidflags=15, castflags=0, d_casti32=define, d_castneg=define
    intsize=4, alignbytes=4, usemymalloc=y, randbits=31
  Linker and Libraries:
    ld='ld', ldflags =''
    libpth=/usr/lib /usr/i386-cygwin32/lib
    libs=-lcygwin -lm -lc
    libc=/usr/i386-cygwin32/lib/libc.a, so=none
    useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
  Dynamic Linking:
    dlsrc=dl_none.xs, dlext=none, d_dlsymun=, ccdlflags=''
    cccdlflags='', lddlflags=''

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):
  Compile-time options: DEBUGGING
  Built under cygwin32nt
  Compiled at Dec 28 1996 00:34:44

Here are some annotations on the failed tests:

io/fs.............FAILED on test 1

  Total tests: 26
  Failed:      7 (1 4 5 7 9 10 18)
  Skipped:     23-26
  All of these have to do with the return values of stat().  The tests
  are too UNIX-specific.

io/inplace........FAILED on test 1
cat: .a.bak: No such file or directory
cat: .b.bak: No such file or directory
cat: .c.bak: No such file or directory

  Total tests: 2
  Failed:      2 (1 2)
  Creation of the backup file seems to fail completely.
  >>BUG-ALERT! With an empty $^I, the file is totally wiped out!<<

io/pipe...........FAILED on test 7

  Total tests: 8
  Failed:      1 (7)
  Cygwin32 seems to have buggy SIGPIPE handling.

op/exec...........FAILED on test 6

  Total tests: 8
  Failed:      1 (6)
  The return value of system("not_a_command") seems messed up.

/usr/bin/groups: /usr/bin/groups: No such file or directory

  Total tests: 2
  Failed:      0
  "/usr/bin/groups" must be "/usr/bin/groups.exe" to avoid the error message.

op/magic..........FAILED on test 1

  Total tests: 6
  Failed:      1 (1)
  Looks like lowercase envnames like in $ENV{"foo"} don't get set in Cygwin32.
  Changing the name to $ENV{"FOO"} makes it work.

op/split..........FAILED on test 11

  Total tests: 14
  Failed:      1 (11)
  `perl -D1024 -e ''` seems to cause a coredump.

op/stat...........FAILED on test 3
ls: Op.stat.tmp: Permission denied

  Total tests: 56
  Failed:      5 (3 4 9 20 35)
  3 and 4 are UNIX specific stat() failures.
  9 and 35 are due to unimplemented setuid() et al. in Cygwin32.
  20 is due to bogus chmod() in Cygwin32.

lib/anydbm........FAILED on test 2
sdbm store returned -1, errno 13, key "102" at lib/anydbm.t line 99.
lib/sdbm..........FAILED on test 2
sdbm store returned -1, errno 13, key "102" at lib/sdbm.t line 104.

  Total tests: 12
  Failed:      9 (2 5-12)
  This seems to fail due to a permissions problem.

lib/filecopy......FAILED on test 8
Died at lib/filecopy.t line 80.

  Total tests: 11
  Failed:      3 (8 9 11)
  These seems to be caused by a dysfunctional File::Copy::move().

lib/findbin.......FAILED on test 1
readdir(../../../..): No such file or directory at ../lib/ line 105.

  Total tests: 1
  Failed:      1 (1)
  readdir() from the root directory seems to fail.

lib/io_pipe.......FAILED on test 5

  Total tests: 6
  Failed:      1 (5)
  Cygwin32 seems to have buggy SIGPIPE handling.

lib/parsewords....FAILED on test 1
Can't locate auto/Text/ParseWords/ in @INC at lib/parsewords.t line 12

  This is fixed after forcing autosplit of Text/
  Autosplitting failed due to bogus stat().
  C<$AutoSplit::CheckModTime = 0;> before autosplitting in the Makefile
  fixes it.

lib/searchdict....FAILED on test 1

  Total tests: 3
  Failed:      1 (1) relies on stat(), incompatible in Cygwin32.

Skipped test-suites:

lib/db-btree......skipping test on this platform
lib/db-hash.......skipping test on this platform
lib/db-recno......skipping test on this platform
lib/gdbm..........skipping test on this platform
lib/io_sock.......skipping test on this platform
lib/io_udp........skipping test on this platform
lib/locale........FAILED on test 0
Can't locate in @INC at lib/locale.t line 11.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at lib/locale.t line 11.
lib/ndbm..........skipping test on this platform
lib/odbm..........skipping test on this platform
lib/posix.........skipping test on this platform
lib/socket........skipping test on this platform
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X-ListMember: gmarzot AT BayNetworks DOT com [Perl-Win32-Porters AT ActiveWare DOT com]

Gurusamy Sarathy writes:
> perl5.003_17 compiles with minimal changes on WindowsNT
> Important things to note:
>   * apply patch with patch -p0 -N < this_file
>   * Run Configure:
>       - choose "gnuwin32" for system type
>       - $libs must have -lcygwin (hintsfile adds this, so accept default)
>       - must provide path to libcygwin.a, libc.a etc., when Configure
>         asks for extra libraries (the default in the hintsfile assumes
>         you have mounted gnu-win32 in /usr)

There is some code in hints/ to find libraries, one can borrow

>       - accept defaults everywhere else
>   * make
>   * exec of symlinked executables fails in gnuwin32 V17.1, so
>     ./t/perl.exe must be a copy of ./perl.exe, not a symlink
>     (do this manually before running `make test`)

Are there symlinks on NT (or is it NT+sygn?) ? If no, just set ln=cp
in hints file.

>   * make test
> You should have a mostly functional perl (see description of test
> failures below).  There does exist a serious problem with the -i
> command-line flag (inplace editing of files).  This seems to wipe out
> the file, so DO NOT do that.  Most other failures are due to
> UNIXisms/bugs in stat().

What you describe is very similar to what I had in my first OS/2
attempts. You forgot to set -DDOSISH.

> io/inplace........FAILED on test 1
> cat: .a.bak: No such file or directory
> cat: .b.bak: No such file or directory
> cat: .c.bak: No such file or directory
>   Total tests: 2
>   Failed:      2 (1 2)
>   Creation of the backup file seems to fail completely.
>   >>BUG-ALERT! With an empty $^I, the file is totally wiped out!<<


> io/pipe...........FAILED on test 7
>   Total tests: 8
>   Failed:      1 (7)
>   Cygwin32 seems to have buggy SIGPIPE handling.
> op/exec...........FAILED on test 6
>   Total tests: 8
>   Failed:      1 (6)
>   The return value of system("not_a_command") seems messed up.

I hardwire the expected value (2^16-1 ?) into os2.c's do_spawn.

> lib/anydbm........FAILED on test 2
> sdbm store returned -1, errno 13, key "102" at lib/anydbm.t line 99.
> lib/sdbm..........FAILED on test 2
> sdbm store returned -1, errno 13, key "102" at lib/sdbm.t line 104.
>   Total tests: 12
>   Failed:      9 (2 5-12)
>   This seems to fail due to a permissions problem.

Is there O_BINARY on Cygwin32?

> lib/filecopy......FAILED on test 8
> Died at lib/filecopy.t line 80.
>   Total tests: 11
>   Failed:      3 (8 9 11)
>   These seems to be caused by a dysfunctional File::Copy::move().

Bug in filecopy.t. I fixed it in my last patch.


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NTList compliments of Internet Shopper

>perl5.003_17 compiles with minimal changes on WindowsNT
>using the freely available Cygnus Win32 toolkit (version 17.1).
>The toolkit is available at "".
>I have seen one other report to this effect, but the details
>were sketchy.  This attempt hopefully provides more info.

Good news!

I tried with NTrigue but machine was sick.

>Important things to note:
>  * apply patch with patch -p0 -N < this_file
>*** pp_sys.c.dist	Wed Dec 31 18:59:10 1969
>--- pp_sys.c	Fri Dec 27 20:46:39 1996
>*** 3921,3927 ****
>  PP(pp_spwent)
>  {
>      dSP;
>! #ifdef HAS_PASSWD
>      setpwent();
>  #else
>--- 3921,3928 ----
>  PP(pp_spwent)
>  {
>      dSP;
>! /* CYGWIN32 is missing setpwent(), (but has the others!) */
>! #if 0
>      setpwent();
>  #else

I hope this is a temporary measure - we want a patch which will
allow sources to build either way.
I guess could add -DNO_SETPWENT ...

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NTList compliments of Internet Shopper

X-ListMember: gmarzot AT BayNetworks DOT com [Perl-Win32-Porters AT ActiveWare DOT com]

Gurusamy Sarathy wrote:
> You should have a mostly functional perl (see description of test
> failures below).  There does exist a serious problem with the -i
> command-line flag (inplace editing of files).  This seems to wipe out
> the file, so DO NOT do that.  Most other failures are due to
> UNIXisms/bugs in stat().


The -I bug, I remember as being active under the DOS versions of perl4.
I vaguely recall there was a patch (by Lloyd Zussman?) issued.

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with the body:
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NTList compliments of Internet Shopper

X-ListMember: gmarzot AT BayNetworks DOT com [Perl-Win32-Porters AT ActiveWare DOT com]

Ilya Zakharevich <ilya AT math DOT ohio-state DOT edu> writes:
>Gurusamy Sarathy writes:
>>   * exec of symlinked executables fails in gnuwin32 V17.1, so
>>     ./t/perl.exe must be a copy of ./perl.exe, not a symlink
>>     (do this manually before running `make test`)
>Are there symlinks on NT (or is it NT+sygn?) ? If no, just set ln=cp
>in hints file.

Cygwin32 provides symlinks via the DLL.  Seem to be slightly flakey
though, so I did as you suggest.

>> You should have a mostly functional perl (see description of test
>> failures below).  There does exist a serious problem with the -i
>> command-line flag (inplace editing of files).  This seems to wipe out
>> the file, so DO NOT do that.  Most other failures are due to
>> UNIXisms/bugs in stat().
>What you describe is very similar to what I had in my first OS/2
>attempts. You forgot to set -DDOSISH.

That fixes the -i flag trouble, but introduces a few new ones (since
Cygwin32 is probably more unixish than dosish).  I have a copy now
that fails exactly the same 12 tests using either dosish.h or
unixish.h.  8 of them have to do with stat() fields.

>> op/exec...........FAILED on test 6
>>   Total tests: 8
>>   Failed:      1 (6)
>>   The return value of system("not_a_command") seems messed up.
>I hardwire the expected value (2^16-1 ?) into os2.c's do_spawn.

Cygwin32 is supposed to emulate the behavior of UNIX waitpid(),
so I'd rather the bug is fixed there.

>> lib/sdbm..........FAILED on test 2
>> sdbm store returned -1, errno 13, key "102" at lib/sdbm.t line 104.
>>   Total tests: 12
>>   Failed:      9 (2 5-12)
>>   This seems to fail due to a permissions problem.
>Is there O_BINARY on Cygwin32?

Yup, adding O_BINARY in sdbm.c fixes all but one failure (that one
has to do with what stat() thinks the permissions are).

For the benefit of the Cygnus folks, here's a summary of the problems
I have had on NT 3.51 (SP3).  I think these point to bugs that must be
fixed in the kit:

  * Buggy sigpipe delivery.  If the read end of the pipe is
    closed prematurely, the write end does not seem to receive
    SIGPIPE properly.  One the other hand, using C<kill("PIPE", $$)>
    seems to deliver the signal just fine.

  * The status word that waitpid() and wait() return seem to be
    buggy.  WEXITSTATUS() is not properly set when the child
    terminates abnormally.

  * calling vfprintf() results in a coredump.

  * O_NONBLOCK (or O_NDELAY and its SysV clone) appear in the
    headers, but don't seem to be implemented properly on pipe fds.
    For instance, the Configure test to determine if a read() on
    a dry O_NONBLOCK fd returns EAGAIN, just hangs forever on the
    read().  Is Cygwin32 ever going to be POSIX compliant?

  * forking fails if the executable was actually a symlink and not
    a regular file.  Similar problems seem to exist with the
    various -X file tests on symlinks.

  * lowercase names given to setenv()/getenv() don't seem to work.
    Perhaps the toolkit should normalize names internally to uppercase?

  * stat() incompatibilities arising from the dummy chmod(), the
    nlink field, and the cooked up mtime/atime/ctime fields.

Some bugs that I came across in the supplied tools:

  * `/bin/rm -f foobar` fails to delete foobar if it is held open
    by a process.  I looks like a flaw in the design of the NT
    filesystem (since all other means to delete a file are
    similarly defeated).

  * Oftentimes, if I have killed a make run with frantic punching of
    ^C's, NT seems to think that files are held open by the processes
    that got interrupted (and won't let me delete those files).
    ps seems to share the same bewilderment (in that it will claim
    killed/dead processes are still active).

  * patch.exe does not work (yes, I do have /tmp and /var/tmp).  It
    renames the original to *.orig and does not write a new file
    in its place (perhaps the renaming of the tmpfile is failing

  * I sometimes get "Out of free slots!" (or similar) errors.
    I'm on a machine with 32MB RAM.

Hope all this is of someuse to someone somewhere somewhen.

 - Sarathy.
   gsar AT engin DOT umich DOT edu
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NTList compliments of Internet Shopper

X-ListMember: gmarzot AT BayNetworks DOT com [Perl-Win32-Porters AT ActiveWare DOT com]

nick AT ni-s DOT u-net DOT com (Nick Ing-Simmons) writes:
>>--- pp_sys.c	Fri Dec 27 20:46:39 1996
>>      dSP;
>>! /* CYGWIN32 is missing setpwent(), (but has the others!) */
>>! #if 0
>>      setpwent();
>>  #else
>I hope this is a temporary measure - we want a patch which will
>allow sources to build either way.
>I guess could add -DNO_SETPWENT ...

Yup, I'm merely toying with the sources at this point.  It seems
to be an oversight in Cygwin32 libs, so hopefully
we won't have to accomodate any workarounds for long.

I plan to look at how the Hip/Activeware NT-specific enhancements
will fit into the CYGWIN framework in the next few weeks, as
time permits.  I'll probably try and fix dynaloading before then,
if I can find the incantations neccessary to give to cygnus-gcc
to build DLLs.

Anyone know where I can get good searchable winhelp/manpages for all
of the Cygnus toolkit?  Please cc any replies, I'm not yet on the
gnuwin32 list.

 - Sarathy.
   gsar AT engin DOT umich DOT edu
To leave this list, send an email message to ListManager AT ActiveWare DOT com
with the body:
	leave Perl-Win32-Porters
NTList compliments of Internet Shopper

X-ListMember: gmarzot AT BayNetworks DOT com [Perl-Win32-Porters AT ActiveWare DOT com]

Gurusamy Sarathy writes:
>   * `/bin/rm -f foobar` fails to delete foobar if it is held open
>     by a process.  I looks like a flaw in the design of the NT
>     filesystem (since all other means to delete a file are
>     similarly defeated).

This is what -DDOSISH is about. I consider it as a sane behaviour, but
*nix is more flexible here (though more expensive). There is no link
count on files, there is just a lockcount, and there is no unlink,
just delete.

>   * Oftentimes, if I have killed a make run with frantic punching of
>     ^C's, NT seems to think that files are held open by the processes
>     that got interrupted (and won't let me delete those files).
>     ps seems to share the same bewilderment (in that it will claim
>     killed/dead processes are still active).

Probably they are :-(. This happens under OS/2 too, there are
unkillable processes. A _great_ design flaw...

>   * patch.exe does not work (yes, I do have /tmp and /var/tmp).  It
>     renames the original to *.orig and does not write a new file
>     in its place (perhaps the renaming of the tmpfile is failing
>     somehow).

OS/2's one (though I have a very old gnupatch) has the same bug. I
work around via
	chmod -R +w *


>   * I sometimes get "Out of free slots!" (or similar) errors.
>     I'm on a machine with 32MB RAM.

If it were OS/2, I would advice raising number of threads in


 G. S. Marzot <gmarzot AT baynetworks DOT com>   Network Management Development
 Bay Networks Inc.                        (508)670-8888 x63990
For help on using this list, send a message to
"gnu-win32-request AT cygnus DOT com" with one line of text: "help".

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