Mail Archives: cygwin/1996/10/17/20:10:02
>>>>> "MLDickey" == MLDickey <MLDickey AT softart DOT com> writes:
MLDickey> I've tried several different floppies, and all of
MLDickey> them do the same thing. I do not have source to check
MLDickey> against.
MLDickey> If you 'cd //a' and then 'cd {some subdir}' you
MLDickey> cannot 'cd ..' to get back to the parent. It just stays
MLDickey> in the current directory. Also, you cannot 'cd //a' to
MLDickey> get to the parent, either. You have to change drives
MLDickey> first, and then go back to //a.
MLDickey> It appears that the current directory state gets
MLDickey> mangled with the default directory state on the A:
MLDickey> drive.
If you have the "mount" command and use it to display your
drive paths you will see that "//a" is mountable. This means
you can mount //a to a: or even a directory like 'floppy'.
For instance I have my cdrom which is normally drive "D:'
mounted on 'cdrom' thus if I cd to 'cdrom' it reads my 'd:'
Likewise I have "c:\" mounted as "/" or the 'root' drive.
Using your tests above I have no problems cd'ing around :)
You can view your drive paths in the Registry under
'H_KEY_CURRENT_USER\software\Cygnus Support\Cygwin.dll\setup
\b15.0\mount\01 thru 05'. Change the 'native' keys to set-up
your drive paths.
David Jeffers
<jeffers AT redrose DOT net>
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