#!/usr/bin/perl # -*- perl -*- # # Copyright (c) 1997, 2000 DJ Delorie, All Rights Reserved. NO WARRANTEE. # # Note: This is used by a Firefox extension, so be lenient in allowing # people in without $referrer set right. BEGIN { push(@INC, "/home/apache/lib/perl"); }; use header; use trailer; #open(LOCK, ">/tmp/lock"); #flock(LOCK, 2); $sockaddr = "S n a4 x8"; #require "sys/socket.ph"; use Socket; $| = 1; if ($ARGV[0] eq "see-script") { print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n"; open(IN, "headers.cgi"); print while ; exit 0; } require "./common.pl"; push(@INC, "/home/apache/bin"); push(@INC, split(':', $ENV{"PATH"})); require "cgi-lib.pl"; &ReadParse; $in{'url'} =~ s@http://http://@http://@; if ($in{'url'} !~ m@^http://([^\./]+\.)+[^\./]+@) { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "

Sorry, I can only handle http://some.host/ URLs.\n"; $u = &HtmlEncode($in{'url'}); print "You typed in `$u'.\n"; exit 0; } print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; $in{'url'} =~ tr/'//d; #' $in{'url'} .= "/" unless $in{'url'} =~ m@http://.*/@; ($urlhead,$urlpath) = $in{'url'} =~ m@([^/]+/+[^/]+)(.*)@; $urlpath =~ s@/[^/]+$@/@; $urlpath = "/" unless $urlpath; $form = "

"; header::handler("","Headers for '$in{'url'}'"); ($host,$port,$uri) = $in{'url'} =~ m@http://([^/:]+)(:\d+)?(.*)@; $port =~ s/://; $port = 80 unless $port; $uri = "/" unless $uri; if ($host eq "www.delorie.com" && $port == 81) { # This one is OK } elsif ($host =~ /^[^\.]*$|delorie.com|^172\.31\.|^10\.10\.42\.|localhost|^127\.0\.0\./i) { print "Sorry, host `$host' not allowed.\n"; exit 0; } &check_delorie_htm($in{'url'}); ($name,$aliases,$type,$len,$addr) = gethostbyname($host); if (! $addr) { &fail("


Host $host unknown"); } $them = pack($sockaddr, &AF_INET, $port, $addr); unless (socket(S, &AF_INET, &SOCK_STREAM, $proto)) { &fail("


Unable to create socket"); } unless (connect(S, $them)) { &fail("


Unable to connect to $host addr $addr port $port: $!"); } select(S); $| = 1; select(STDOUT); print S "GET $uri HTTP/1.0\r\n"; print S "Host: $host:$port\r\n"; print S "\r\n"; print "
while () {
    last unless /\S/;
    s@Location:\s*(http://.*)@Location: $1@;
print "
"; sub fail { print $_[0]; print $form; trailer::handler(""); exit 0; } print $form; trailer::handler("");