Copyright © 1998 by DJ Delorie
Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, see for details.
If you enjoy this game, please send a donation (any size) to DJ Delorie. See for details.
taipedit is a layout editor for taipei. While taipei has nine layouts built in, it's fun to design your own layouts and use those.
The file format is a list of numbers. A negative number means that that number and the next two are an x,y,z coordinate of a tile (using the absolute value of x). A positive number is a new x coordinate, and the previosu y and z coordinates are re-used.
Note that the output file format is also used to compile the built-in layouts.
Layer selector:
Layers that are not shown.
Layer that is editable.
Layers that are shown but not editable.
. . .
Tiles are numbered according to the layer they're on
You'll also see a count of the number of tiles above the layer selector; multiples of four are recommended, but only multiples of two are required. You must give between 2 and 144 tiles.
One layer is selected for edit at a time using the stack of buttons on the right edge of the window, or by pressing the corresponding digit key on the keyboard. Layers above the selected layer are not shown so that you can see what you're doing.
Within the grid, the left mouse button adds tiles and the right mouse button removes them. You can hold the buttons while holding the mouse; it will add/remove multiple tiles.
You would normally specify a file name on the command line. The l key reloads this file to the window. The s key saves the current layout to the file. The q key quits.
The number keys 1..8 select that layer.
The up, down, left, and right arrows shift the entire layout one step in that direction. The page up and down keys shift the layout up/down one layer. The Home key centers the layout in the window. S saves the layout, L reloads it.
The q Esc and Ctrl-C keys quit the program. The F2 key restarts the game. The F1 key shows this help.
When viewing help, the space bar, F1 or Esc return you to your game. Numbers show that section (0 for help's title). Letters show section starting with that letter.
This program is Copyright © 1998 by DJ Delorie
The Ace of Penguins system was written by me, DJ Delorie, so that my wife Pat could play her favorite Windows 95 games on my Linux laptop. She gets credit for hours of testing ;-)
Many thanks to the SGI, Linux, and GNU developers, for the tools and systems I use.
Special thanks to Rebecca, for showing that test2 was a useful program.