Quake3 Tutorials and Stuff

Map Tutorials

In the tutorials, clicking on some of the small images (the ones with dimensions and sizes under them) opens a larger image in a separate window. The same window will be re-used for each image, so you are encouraged to click on the images and position the windows appropriately so you can refer to both throughout the tutorials.

Octagonal Floor Trap


Download them all (2.3m) in one zip if you want

DJ1 - "Total Mahem" (144k)

House1 (1.5m)

Maze (612k)

DJ1 was my "practice map" but my son liked playing it so much I stopped changing it. The house map is my actual house (the map is incomplete) and requires a mod to make the player models thinner and taller - normal models can't fit through some of the doorways. It's practice for "reality modeling". The Maze is generated by a perl script, not by q3radiant!

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