A31L - Open Hardware with Open Tools
A31L Lab Handout (1.4Mb PDF)
instructions for building cross
compilers (or install the GNUPro RPM)
- Linux-based software for downloading apps onto the board (note:
make sure both "uflash" and "eeprom" are in your $PATH somewhow)
As root, create /etc/udev/rules.d/99-libftdi.rules with this line (if
you already have this file, just add this line to it):
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6001", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"
Then run:
udevadm control --reload-rules
Extract the flash-tool.tar.gz file in an empty directory
(like $HOME/uflash). While in that directory, type "make" to build
all the flash tools. You should see both eeprom
and uflash in that directory.
Extract the A31L-lab-files.tar.gz in your home directory (or
elsewhere, but adjust the paths below accordingly)
Edit ~/gR8C/sw/Makefile to set the GCC_PATH and UFLASH_PATH
accordingly. If m32c-elf-gcc and uflash are *already* in your default
path, you can leave these alone - they'll be harmless. The
UFLASH_PATH setting should be the directory where you built the
flash-tool.tar.gz files.
Run eclipse
If it asks you to select a workspace, use the default. Check the "do
not ask again" box if you want.
At the "Welcome to Eclipse" screen, select File -> Import
Open "General" and select "Existing Projects into Workspace"
Click the first "Browse" button and browse to the gR8C/sw directory
(i.e. the "Select root directory:" box stops at "/sw")
Make sure the gR8C project is checked and click "Finish"
Close the Welcome pane.
Window -> Open Perspective -> C/C++
Help -> Install New Software
Select "Fullscreen Command" and Next, Next, Accept, Finish, OK.
At this point you have a mostly-working project. There are a few
settings that aren't archived:
Window -> Preferences
Run/Debug -> Launching
Check "Save required dirty editors before launching" as "Always"
Run -> Run configurations...
Select C/C++ application and click the "New" button.
Change the Application to wherever "uflash" is installed (i.e. /usr/local/bin/uflash
or /home/dj/m32c/uflash/uflash)
Add: -b 57600 -c -r blinky.elf
New, name: TERM, value: dumb
apply and close.
In the pulldown for the run *icon* choose "organize favorites". Add
this new run configuration (should be the only one). The first time
you run it, use the pulldown. After that the Run icon itself will run