Can I write commercial programs with djgpp?
Yes, you can. There are a few things to keep in mind when doing so.
- The mere use of gcc to compile your program, or the use
of libc.a/libm.a to link your program, does
not change the copyright status of your application.
- If you use any source code protected by the GPL in your
application, your entire application becomes GPL. This may happen if
you use a routine from gcc's sources, or if you use
bison, which inserts GPL source code into its output.
- If you use libgpp.a, and you do not use
gcc to compile your application, the LGPL applies to
libgpp.a. If you use gcc, you don't have to
- You may ship anything in the Execution Only Environment
(djeoe*.zip) as distributed by me with no other
requirement besides telling your customers how to get djgpp for