DJGPP Frequently Asked Questions

This is the FAQ for DJGPP Version 1. You probably should be reading the Version 2 FAQ

* Mini-FAQ

* Most Commonly Read Questions [X]

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* DJGPP Version 2

* What is djgpp, and what can it do?
* Can I write programs that . . .
* Hardware and Software Requirements
* Getting djgpp
* Documentation Problems
* About go32
* Crashes, reboots, odd error messages
* Compile and Link problems
* Cross Compiling
* Running compiled programs
* Improving Performance (gcc and your programs)
* Graphics
* Floating Point Emulation
* Debugging djgpp programs
* Profiling
* Run-Time Memory Issues
* Passing command-line arguments
* Converting DOS Programs/Libraries
* Low-level programming (BIOS/HW)
* Legal questions
* Getting more help
* Miscellaneous

* About this FAQ

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  Copyright © 1996     Updated Feb 1996