Call protocol stack control entry point with:
	BX = function number
	    0000h "GetProtocolStackConfiguration"
		Return: ES:SI -> protocol stack's configuration table
				   (see #03001)
	    0001h "GetProtocolStackStatistics"
		Return: ES:SI -> protocol stack's statistics table (see #03000)
	    0002h "BindToMLID"
		CX = board number to bind to
		ES:SI -> implementation-dependant parameter string
	    0003h "UnBindFromMLID"
		CX = board number from which protocol should unbind
		ES:SI -> optional implementation-dependant parameter string
	    0004h "MLIDDeRegistered"
		CX = board number that has de-registered from LSL
Return: AX = status
	    0000h successful
	    else implementation-dependant error codes
	ZF set if successful
	SS:SP, DS, BP preserved