Call MLID control handler with:
AX = logical board number
BX = function number
0000h "GetMLIDConfiguration"
Return: ES:SI -> MLID's configuration table if successful
(see #03002 for format)
0001h "GetMLIDStatistics"
Return: ES:SI -> MLID's statistics table if successful
(see #03002 for format)
0002h "AddMulticastAddress"
ES:SI -> 6-byte multicast address to add
0003h "DeleteMulticastAddress"
ES:SI -> 6-byte multicast address to delete
0005h "MLIDShutdown"
CX = type
0000h permanent (also deregisters from LSL)
other temporary (shutdown hardware only)
0006h "MLIDReset" reinitialize board / restart from temp shutdown
0007h "Create Connection" (obsolete?)
0008h "Delete Connection" (obsolete?)
0009h "SetLookAheadSize"
CX = requested lookahead size (00h-80h)
000Ah "PromiscuousChange"
CX = what to receive promiscuously
bit 0: MAC frames
bit 1: non-MAC frames
000Bh "RegisterReceiveMonitor"
CX = subfunction
0000h disable receive monitoring
else enable receive monitoring
ES:SI -> monitor receive routine
ES:DI -> monitor transmit routine
000Ch "Driver Poll" (obsolete?)
Return: AX = completion code (see #02989)
ZF set if successful
Note: not all boards/MLIDs support function 0010h; see bit 13 in the MLID
mode flags field of the MLID's configuration table