Format of 8514/A character set definition block:
Offset	Size	Description	)
 00h	BYTE	reserved
 01h	BYTE	type of character set
		00h bitmapped, 01h&02h reserved, 03h short-stroke font
 02h	BYTE	reserved
 03h	DWORD	reserved
 07h	BYTE	cell width in pixels
 08h	BYTE	cell height in pixels
 09h	BYTE	reserved
 0Ah	WORD	cell size in bytes
 0Ch	WORD	flags
		bit 15: reserved (0)
		bit 14: color bitmap
		bit 13: proportional spacing
 0Eh	DWORD	-> index table
 12h	DWORD	-> character width table
 16h	BYTE	initial code point
 17h	BYTE	final code point
 18h	DWORD	-> character definition table
 1Ch	WORD	reserved
 1Eh	DWORD	-> second character definition table
 22h	WORD	reserved
 24h	DWORD	-> third character definition table