Call PRINT.VLM (VLM ID 0042h) with:
Func Description/Registers
01h Print Get Version
BX = function
0000h get version
Return: AX = status (see #02860)
BX = major version of VLM supported (0001h)
CX = minor version of VLM supported (0000h)
03h Print Statistics
CX = length of buffer
ES:DI -> buffer for statistics (see #02885)
Return: AX = status (0000h if successful) (see #02860)
buffer filled if successful
04h Print Get/Set Data
BX = subfunction
00h set printer control flags (see #02886)
01h get printer control flags
02h set extended printer control flags (see #02887)
03h get extended printer control flags
AX = offset within Print structures at which to start read/write
CX = number of bytes to transfer
DX = printing device number (00h=LPT1/PRN, 01h=LPT2, etc.)
DS:SI -> buffer containing values for flags (subfunctions 00h/02h)
ES:DI -> buffer for flags (subfunctions 01h/03h
Return: AX = status (see #02860)
---if successful---
CX = number of bytes returned (subfunctions 01h/03h)
DX = maximum supported size for function/type of data
05h Print Open Capture File
07h Print Get Num Of Printers
BX = subfunction
0000h get number of physical printers
nonzero: get configured printer (from NET.CFG)
Return: AX = status (see #02860)
---if successful---
BX = number of physical/configured printers
08h Print Redirection
BX = subfunction
0000h redirect device to queue
AX = length of queue name, 0000h to use queue ID
CX = connection handle
DX = printer/device number (00h=LPT1/PRN, 01h=LPT2, etc.)
DS:SI -> uppercased ASCIZ queue name
ES:DI -> DWORD queue ID, 00000000h to use queue name
0001h test whether device is redirected
DX = printer/device number (00h=LPT1/PRN, 01h=LPT2, etc.)
0002h cancel redirection
DX = printer/device number (00h=LPT1/PRN, 01h=LPT2, etc.)
0003h redirect device to file
AX = 0000h or 4E57h ('NW')
CX = connection handle
DX = printer/device number (00h=LPT1/PRN, 01h=LPT2, etc.)
ES:DI -> ASCIZ path of file
0004h get extended redirection information (see #02886)
DX = printer/device number (00h=LPT1/PRN, 01h=LPT2, etc.)
ES:DI -> buffer for server/queue name
Return: ES:DI buffer filled
Return: AX = 0000h if successful
09h Print Flush And Close Job
BX = subfunction
0000h unconditional close
nonzero: conditional close -- close only if concatenate flag is
DX = index of printing device (00h=LPT1/PRN, 01h=LPT2, etc.)
Return: AX = status (see #02860)
0Ch Print Get/Set Banner Name
BL = subfunction
00h set banner name
DS:SI -> ASCIZ banner name (12 bytes, including NUL)
01h get banner name
ES:DI -> 12-byte buffer for banner name
Return: AX = status (see #02860)