Call REDIR.VLM (VLM ID 0040h) with:
Func	Description/Registers
 01h	Redir Get Version
	BX = function
	    0000h get version
		Return: AX = status (see #02860)
			BX = major version of VLM supported (0001h)
			CX = minor version of VLM supported (0000h)
 03h	Redir Statistics
	CX = length of buffer
	ES:DI -> buffer for statistics (see #02880)
	Return: AX = status (0000h if successful) (see #02860)
		buffer filled if successful
 04h	Redir Build SFT (see INT 21/AH=B4h"NetWare")
	CX = connection handle
	ES:DI -> SFT build request (see #02881)
	Return: AX = 0000h if successful
		    BX = DOS file handle
 05h	Redir DOS To NW Handle
	BX = DOS file handle
	ES:DI -> 11-byte buffer for NetWare handle
 08h	Redir Specific
	BX = 0000h get item
	    DS:SI -> ASCIZ string "LPTx" (x='1'-'9') or drive spec ("d:")
	    ES:DI -> 512-byte reply buffer for
	Return: AX = status (0000h if successful) (see #02860)