Format of type-specific info:
Offset	Size	Description	)
---ASCII byte---
 03h	BYTE	byte to send to host
---ASCII string---
 03h	WORD	length of string
 05h	WORD	pointer to string
---terminal function code (VT52/VT100)---
 03h	BYTE	function code
		00h keypad 0
		01h keypad 1
		09h keypad 9
		0Ah keypad -
		0Bh keypad ,
		0Ch keypad .
		0Dh keypad ENTER
		0Eh PF1
		0Fh PF2
		10h PF3
		11h PF4
---terminal function code (IBM3101)---
 03h	BYTE	function code
		00h PF1
		07h PF8
		08h Home
SeeAlso: #03374