Call INTRSPY v1.0 entry point with:
	AH = function
	    00h ???
	    01h set current directory (for use in reporting)
		ES:DI -> counted string containing directory name (max 79 char)
	    02h set name of script file
		ES:DI -> counted string containing file name (max 79 chars)
	    03h set script arguments
		ES:DI -> counted string containing arguments (max 79 chars)
	    04h get directory set with function 01h
		ES:DI -> 80-byte buffer for directory name
	    05h get name of script file
		ES:DI -> 80-byte buffer for script filename
	    06h get script arguments
		ES:DI -> 80-byte buffer for script arguments
	    07h get ???
		CL = 00h-15h specifies what to get
		ES:DI -> WORD to be set with desired value on return
	    08h get ???
		ES:DI -> WORD to be set with returned value
	    09h get ???
		ES:DI -> WORD to be set with returned value
	    0Bh store code for interrupt handler???
		ES:DI -> data
		CX = number of bytes
	    0Ch ???
		ES:DI -> ???
	    0Dh get ???
		ES:DI -> BYTE to be set with returned value
	    0Eh set ??? flag
	    0Fh clear ??? flag
	    10h ???
		Return: AL = 04h or 05h if failed
	    11h ???
		Return: AL = 05h if failed
	    12h get ???
		ES:DI -> buffer
		Return: CX = number of bytes returned in buffer
	    13h ???
Return: AH = 00h
	AL = status
	    00h successful
	    01h invalid function
	    02h ???
	    03h ???
	    04h ???
	    05h ???