Values for HLLAPI function number:
 00h	OEM function (Query system for Attachmate implementation)
 01h	Connect presentation space
 02h	Disconnect presentation space
 03h	Send string of keystrokes as if typed from keyboard
 04h	Wait ~60s, returns status of presentation space
 05h	Copy current presentation space into a user-defined buffer
 06h	Search presentation space for first occurrence of a specified string
 07h	Query cursor location in current presentation space
 08h	Copy part or all of current presentation space into user buffer
 09h	Set session parameters; parameters vary by vendor (see #03875)
 0Ah	Get info on sessions currently connected
 0Bh	Lock current presentation space
 0Ch	Unlock previously locked presentation space
 0Dh	Return copy of operator info area (OIA) of current presentation space
 0Eh	get attribute byte for given position in the current presentation space
 0Fh	copy string of characters to the current presentation space
 10h	workstation control functions
 11h	storage manager functions, intended primarily for BASIC applications
	(not implemented by Rabbit)
 12h	set delay period in half-second intervals
 14h	get info on level of workstation support used
 15h	reset session parameters to default values
 16h	get detailed info on the current session
 17h	start host notification to application on presentation sp or OIA update
 18h	check host update when host notification enabled
 19h	stop host notification
 1Eh	search field within current presentation space for string
 1Fh	get first positionof a selected field in the current presentation space
 20h	get length of specified field
 21h	copy string into a specified field
 22h	copy specified field into a user-defined buffer
 23h	create alternate presentation space (IBM only), don't use with BASIC
 24h	switch to alternate presentation space (IBM only), not with BASIC
 25h	display cursor in specified area (IBM only), don't use with BASIC
 26h	display alternate presentation space (IBM only), don't use with BASIC
 27h	delete alternate presentation space (IBM only), don't use with BASIC
 28h	set cursor
 29h	start Close Intercept
 2Ah	query Close Intercept
 2Bh	stop Close Intercept
 32h	start intercepting keystrokes to allow filtering
 33h	get keystrokes after turning on interception
 34h	notify operator when keystroke rejected by filter subroutine
 35h	stop intercepting keystrokes
 5Ah	send file
 5Bh	receive file
 5Ch	run a program (not implemented by Rabbit)
 5Dh	execute DOS command (not implemented by Rabbit)
 63h	change presentation space position to PC display row/col or vice versa
 65h	connect to Window Services
 66h	disconnect from Window Services
 67h	set/query window coordinates
 68h	set/query window status
 69h	change presentation space name
 78h	connect Structured Fields
 79h	disconnect Structured Fields
 7Ah	query size of communications buffer
 7Bh	allocate communications buffer
 7Ch	free communications buffer
 7Dh	get request completion state
 7Eh	read Structured Fields
 7Fh	write Structured Fields
 FFh	Get info on DCA implementation