Call Configuration Manager entry point with:
	AX = function
	    0000h "CM_GetVersion" get supported DDI version
		Return: AH = BCD major version
			AL = BCD minor version
			BX = number of devices identified by configuration
		Note:	returns AX = 0000h if no config manager installed
	    0001h "CM_GetConfig" get device configuration
		BX = device index
		ES:DI -> buffer for configuration information (see #02675)
		Return: AX = status
			    0000h successful
				ES:DI buffer filled
			    other error code (0001h = index out of range)
	    0002h "CM_LockConfig" lock device configuration
		ES:DI -> configuration information (see #02675)
		Return: AX = status
			    0000h successful
				ES:DI buffer filled with assigned config
			    0001h resources conflict
			    0002h invalid request or configuration info
	    0003h "CM_UnlockConfig" unlock device configuration
		ES:DI -> configuration information (see #02675)
		Return: AX = status
			    0000h successful
				ES:DI buffer filled with assigned config
			    0001h invalid request or configuration info
	    0004h "CME_QueryResources" get hot-swappable resources
		ES:DI -> configuration information (see #02675)
		Return: AX = status (see #02674)
	    0005h "CME_AllocResources" remove resources from available pool
		ES:DI -> configuration information (see #02675)
		Return: AX = status (see #02674)
	    0006h "CME_DeallocResources" return resources to available pool
		ES:DI -> configuration information (see #02675)
		Return: AX = status (see #02674)
SeeAlso: #01298 at INT 20"Windows",#02672,#02676