Values for VDD (VxD ID 000Ah) service number:
 00h	get version
 01h	PIF state
 02h	get GrabRtn
 03h	hide cursor
 04h	set VM type
 05h	get ModTime
 06h	set HCurTrk
 07h	message clear screen
 08h	message foreground color
 09h	message background color
 0Ah	message output text
 0Bh	message set cursor position
 0Ch	query access
 0Dh	"VDD_Check_Update_Soon"
 0Eh	"VDD_Get_Mini_Dispatch_Table"
 0Fh	"VDD_Register_Virtual_Port"
	DX = base I/O port number
	CL = number of contiguous ports???
 10h	"VDD_Get_VM_Info"
 11h	"VDD_Get_Special_VM_IDs"
	Return: ESI = ???
		EDI = ???
 12h	"VDD_Register_Extra_Screen_Selector"
 13h	"VDD_Takeover_VGA_Port"
	DX = VGA I/O port number (03C2h, etc.)
	ECX -> routine to call on I/O access
	Return: ECX -> previous handler (to be jumped to at end of new handler)
 14h	???
 15h	???
 16h	...last service for Windows95 SP1
SeeAlso: #01272,#01274,#02648