Format of XGA mode information:
Offset Size Description )
00h WORD attributes of the mode (see #00074)
02h WORD bytes per logical scanline
04h WORD horizontal resolution in pixels
06h WORD vertical resolution in scanlines
08h BYTE character Width in pixels
09h BYTE character Height in pixels
0Ah BYTE number of planes
0Bh BYTE bits per pixels
0Ch BYTE memory model (see #00075)
0Dh BYTE number of Image Pages
0Eh BYTE number of Red bits
0Fh BYTE bit position of Red bit field
10h BYTE number of Green bits
11h BYTE bit position of Green bit field
12h BYTE number of Blue bits
13h BYTE bit position of Blue bit field
14h BYTE number of Reserved bits
15h BYTE bit position of Reserved bit field
16h 235 BYTEs reserved