[an error occurred while processing this directive]
Format of VINES terminal status area: Offset Size Description ) 00h BYTE status of session: 4Eh=oNline, 46h=oFfline, 57h=Waiting 01h BYTE terminal type (00h=VT100, 01h=TTY, 02h=VT52, 03h=IBM3101) 02h BYTE current keypad mode (VT100,VT52 only) 4Eh ("N") numeric mode 41h ("A") application mode 03h 4 BYTEs current state of LEDs (VT100 only) 00h off 01h on 07h WORD line error count 09h WORD primary error code (see #03373) 0Bh WORD secondary error code[an error occurred while processing this directive]