Format of AMIS hotkey list:
Offset	Size	Description	)
 00h	BYTE	type of hotkey checking (see #02573)
 01h	BYTE	number of hotkeys (may be zero if TSR can disable hotkeys)
 02h 6N BYTEs	array of hotkey definitions
		(one per hotkey, first should be primary hotkey)
		Offset	Size	Description
		 00h	BYTE	hotkey scan code (00h/80h if shift states only)
				hotkey triggers on release if bit 7 set
		 01h	WORD	required shift states (see #02574)
		 03h	WORD	disallowed shift states (see #02574)
		 05h	BYTE	hotkey flags (see #02575)
Notes:	except for bit 7, the shift states correspond exactly to the return
	  values from INT 16/AH=12h.  A set bit in the required states word
	  indicates that the corresponding shift state must be active when the
	  hotkey's scan code is received for the hotkey to be recognized; a
	  clear bit means that the corresponding state may be ignored.	A set
	  bit in the disallowed shift states word indicates that the
	  corresponding shift state must be inactive.
	for the disallowed-states word, if one of the "either" bits is set,
	  then both the corresponding left bit and right bit must be set
		Ctrl-Alt-Del monitoring: 53h 000Ch 0003h 06h
		Alt-key tap (DESQview):	 B8h 0000h 0007h 08h
		Shf-Shf-N (NOTE.COM):	 31h 0003h 000Ch 00h
Index:	hotkeys;AMIS
SeeAlso: #00006