Format of 10NET Spool/Print record:
Offset Size Description )
00h WORD operation code (see #03770)
02h 11 BYTEs file name in FCB format
---if operation code = 00h or 06h---
0Dh BYTE notification flags (see #03772)
0Eh BYTE days to keep (FFh=forever)
0Fh BYTE bits 0,1: device (1=LPT1)
bits 4-7: remote drive to store spool file (1=A,...)
10h WORD length of following data area
12h N BYTEs up to 64 bytes of description
---if operation code = 03h---
0Dh 8 BYTEs user ID to associate with filename
---if operation code = 04h---
0Dh WORD block number
0Fh 8 BYTEs user ID to associate with filename
---if operation code = 05h---
0Dh BYTE RRN to start retrieve
0Eh BYTE bits 0,1: local print device (LPTx)
bit 3: if set, return entries for all users
0Fh WORD length of following area
11h N BYTEs up to 1500 bytes to receive $SCNTL records returned
---if operation code = 07h---
0Dh BYTE queue number
0Eh BYTE bits 0,1: local print device (LPTx)
0Fh WORD number of bytes of test print to be done
11h BYTE code:
01h print device
02h test print count
03h prn
---if operation code = 08h---
0Dh BYTE queue location or $SCNTL location to start access
returns next item for access:
00h-7Fh queued items
80h-FEh non-queued, non-printed items
FFh no more items
0Eh WORD unused
10h WORD length of following area
12h N BYTEs up to 64 bytes to receive $SCNTL records (see #03773)
---if operation code = 09h---
0Dh 3 BYTEs unused
10h N BYTEs path to non-spooled file to be queued for printing