Call TRAN.VLM (VLM ID 0020h) with:
Func	Description/Registers
 01h	TRAN Get Version
	BX = function
	    0000h get version
		Return: AX = status (see #02860)
			BX = major version of VLM supported (0001h)
			CX = minor version of VLM supported (0000h)
 03h	TRAN Statistics
 06h	TRAN Request Reply (see INT 21/AH=F2h)
	AL = NCP request code (see #02095 at INT 21/AH=F2h)
	BH = error handler flag
	    00h default error handler
	    01h return network errors to caller
	    02h handle network errors in requester
	BL = request list length (max 5 fragments) (see #02872)
	CX = connection handle
	DH = 00h (reserved)
	DL = reply list length (max 5 fragments) (see #02872)
	DS:SI -> address list (each element is DWORD address + WORD length)
	ES:DI -> address list
	Return: AX = error code, 0000h if successful (see #02860)
		BX,DX destroyed
		ES:DI buffer filled with reply packet fragments
 08h	TRAN Schedule/Cancel Event
	BX = subfunction
	    0000h schedule event
		AX = number of timer ticks to delay before calling function
		ES:SI -> event control block (including valid call address)
	    0001h cancel event
		ES:SI -> event control block (including call address)
	Return: AX = status (0000h = successful) (see #02860)
 09h	TRAN Get Max Phys Size
	BX = subfunction
	    00h get maximum node size
		Return: AX = status (0000h = successful) (see #02860)
			BX = maximum supported physical packet size
			DX = size of protocol header
			SI = RequestReply socket number
	    01h get maximum route size to specified server
		CX = connection handle for route to be checked
		Return: AX = status (0000h = successful) (see #02860)
			DX = maximum supported packet size for current route
 0Ah	TRAN Broadcast Mux
	BX = subfunction
	    0001h get stored broadcast (Personal NetWare)
		ES:DI -> 60-byte buffer for counted ASCIZ message string
	Return: AX = status (0000h = successful) (see #02860)