Values for NetWare Connection Manager CEI (Connection Entry Information):
 number	flags	description
 00h	FR	error
 01h	WL	VLM id of transport protocol (NDS/BIND/PNW)
		00h = wildcard
 02h	FR	permanent flag (01h if connection is permanent)
 03h	F	authenticated flag (01h if connection is authenticated)
 04h	F	packet burst supported
 05h	FR	SFT3 change status
 06h	FR	connection needs maximum I/O transmission
 07h	FR	packet burst reset needed
 08h	W	server version
 09h	W	reference count (tasks using connection, 00h = dynamic)
 0Ah	W	distance to server associated with connection
 0Bh	W	maximum packet size supported by transport protocol
 0Ch	B	NCP sequence number
 0Dh	W	connection number
 0Eh	B	NCP order number
 0Fh	WL	VLM id for transport protocol
		00h = wildcard, 21h = IPX, 22h = TCP
 10h	W	NCP request type
 11h	A	transport specific buffer
		12 byte server address
		6 byte	router address
		2 byte round trip time
 12h	FR	broadcast message waiting
 13h	W	large internet packets supported
 14h	B	security options
		bit 0: CRC enabled
		bit 1: packet signing enabled
		bit 5: packet signing active
 15h	W	soft resource count
 16h	FR	connection locked
Note:	flag meanings
	    F=flag value
	    B=byte value
	    W=word value
	    L=settable only before authentication
	    others=read only
SeeAlso: #02867