Values for V86MMGR (VxD ID 0006h) service number:
 00h	get version
 01h	allocate V86 pages
 02h	set EMS and XMS limits
 03h	get EMS and XMS limits
 04h	set mapping information
 05h	get mapping information
 06h	Xlat API
 07h	load client pointer
 08h	allocate buffer
 09h	free buffer
 0Ah	get Xlat buffer state
 0Bh	set Xlat buffer state
 0Ch	get VM flat selector
 0Dh	map pages
 0Eh	free page map region
 0Fh	_LocalGlobalReg
 10h	get page status
 11h	set local A20
 12h	reset base pages
 13h	set available mapped pages
 14h	"V86MMGR_NoUMBInitCalls"
 15h	"V86MMGR_Get_EMS_XMS_Avail"
 16h	"V86MMGR_Toggle_HMA"
	EAX = ???
 17h	"V86MMGR_Dev_Init"
 18h	"V86MMGR_Alloc_UM_Page"
SeeAlso: #02646,#01271,INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API"