Format of VLM.EXE statistics:
Offset Size Description )
00h WORD size of statistics record in bytes (including this word)
02h WORD number of times a VLM has been mapped into memory
04h WORD number of times a VLM has been called
06h WORD offset of vcbArray buffer
08h WORD VLM ID of VLM currently mapped into memory
0Ah BYTE memory type: conventional/EMS/XMS
0Bh BYTE number of loaded VLMs
0Ch WORD EMS/XMS handle or 0000h if conventional memory
0Eh WORD start segment for conventional memory swap
10h WORD segment for global memory, or 0000h if conventional memory
12h 12 BYTEs queue structure for asynchronous calls (see #02866)
1Eh 12 BYTEs queue structure for synchronous calls (see #02866)
2Ah WORD current re-entrance level
2Ch WORD number of times EMS/XMS map-out performed
2Eh BYTE stack switch control
2Fh BYTE flag: nonzero if switcher loaded
30h 80 BYTEs pathname of configuration file
SeeAlso: #02864