[an error occurred while processing this directive]
Call PAGEFILE entry point with:
	AX = function
	    0000h get version
		Return: CF clear
			AX = version (AH = major, AL = minor)
	    0001h get swap file info
		DS:SI -> 128-byte buffer for swap file full pathname
		DS:DI -> 128-byte buffer for SPART.PAR full pathname
		Return: CF clear
			AL = pager type (see #02662)
			AH = flags
			    bit 7: swap file corrupted
			ECX = maximum size of swap file
			DS:SI buffer filled if paging enabled
			DS:DI buffer filled if permanent swap file
	    0002h delete permanent swap file on exit
		Return: CF clear
	    0003h get current temporary swap file size
		Return: CF clear
			DX:AX = current swap file size in bytes
				0000h:0000h if permanent swap file
Note:	this API is only available in protected mode, and may only be called
	  from the system VM
SeeAlso: #01289 at INT 20"Windows",#02663

[an error occurred while processing this directive]