Format of DESQview/X socket record:
Offset Size Description )
00h WORD signature F0ADh
02h WORD function number (see #00557)
04h WORD returned error code (see #00578)
06h WORD maximum message size??? (usually 0400h)
08h WORD PSP segment to use or 0000h if socket not valid
0Ah WORD scratch space (JFT size)
0Ch DWORD scratch space (JFT address)
10h DWORD mailbox handle (initialized by function 0000h)
14h DWORD timer object handle (initialized by function 0000h)
---function 0000h---
18h WORD (ret) ???
---function 0001h---
18h WORD (ret) status???
1Ah 128 BYTEs (ret) ASCIZ hostname (empty string if not on network)
9Ah WORD maximum length of hostname to return
---function 0002h---
18h WORD (ret) status
1Ah WORD socket's file handle
1Ch WORD IOCTL function
05h "FIONREAD" determine available input
06h "FIONBIO" set blocking state of socket
1Eh WORD (return, subfn 05h) number of bytes available for reading
(call, subfn 06h) 0000h blocking, nonzero nonblocking
---function 0003h---
18h 2 BYTEs unused
1Ah WORD delay time in seconds
---function 0004h---
18h WORD (ret) result in network (big-endian) byte order
1Ah WORD value to convert to network byte order
---function 0005h---
18h WORD (ret) number of handles meeting the specified conditions???
1Ah WORD number of file handles in each bitset
1Ch DWORD bitset of socket handles to check for readability
20h DWORD bitset of socket handles to check for writability
24h DWORD bitset of socket handles to check for errors
28h WORD timeout in ??? or 0000h to block until some socket ready
2Ah DWORD ???
2Eh DWORD ???
---function 0006h---
18h WORD (ret) status: 0000h if successful, FFFFh on error
1Ah WORD socket's file handle
---function 0008h---
18h WORD (ret) status: 0000h if successful, FFFFh on error
1Ah WORD socket's file handle
1Ch WORD 0001h if socket name specified, 0000h if not
1Eh WORD length of socket name
20h N BYTEs name of socket to which to connect
---function 0009h---
18h WORD (ret) number of bytes actually read, 0000h if connection
closed, or FFFFh on error
1Ah WORD socket's file handle
1Ch WORD number of bytes to read
1Eh WORD flags
20h WORD 0000h if no source address desired
0001h if source address is to be stored (datagram sockets)
22h WORD length of source address
24h 110 BYTEs source address
92h 1K BYTEs buffer for data to be read
---function 000Ah---
18h WORD (ret) socket's file handle or FFFFh on error
1Ah WORD address family (0001h,0002h)
1Ch WORD socket type
1Eh WORD protocol
---function 000Bh---
18h WORD (ret) 0001h if ??? or FFFFh on error
1Ah WORD socket's file handle
1Eh WORD (call) ???
---function 000Ch---
18h 128 BYTEs ASCIZ hostname (special case if empty string or "unix")
98h ??? (ret) packed 'hostent' structure
A2h ??? (ret) ???
---function 000Dh---
18h WORD (ret) number of bytes actually written or FFFFh on error
1Ah WORD socket's file handle
1Ch WORD number of bytes to write
1Eh WORD number of bytes to follow in subsequent writes???
20h WORD flags
22h WORD 0000h if no destination specified, 0001h if destination present
24h WORD 0001h if broadcast message???, 0000h if not
(ignored if no destination specified)
26h WORD length of destination address
28h 110 BYTEs destination address
96h 1K BYTEs buffer containing data to be written
---function 000Eh---
no additional fields
---function 000Fh---
18h DWORD (ret) DESQview task handle of calling process
---function 0010h---
18h DWORD (ret) current time
1Ch DWORD (ret) ???
---function 0011h---
18h WORD (ret) status: 0000h if successful, FFFFh on error
1Ah WORD socket's file handle
1Ch WORD length of name
1Eh N BYTEs buffer for socket name
---function 0012h---
18h WORD (ret) status: 0000h if successful, FFFFh on error
1Ah WORD socket's file handle
1Ch WORD maximum backlog of pending connections allowed on socket
---function 0013h---
18h WORD (ret) file handle for new connection or FFFFh on error
1Ah WORD listen()ing socket's file handle
1Ch WORD (call) length of buffer for connecting entity's address
(ret) actual length of address
1Eh N BYTEs buffer for connecting entity's address (110 bytes???)
---function 0014h---
18h WORD (ret) socket's file handle or FFFFh on error
1Ah 4 BYTEs (ret) ???
1Eh WORD (ret) ???
20h WORD (ret) ???
22h 256 BYTEs ASCIZ X display name
122h ???
---function 0015h---
18h WORD (call) type of address??? (test for 0001h seen)
1Ah WORD (call) length of buffer for host address
1Ch 110 BYTEs buffer containing ASCIZ host address
8Ah WORD (ret) offset of official host name
8Ch WORD (ret) offset of alias list???
8Eh WORD (ret) address type???
90h WORD (ret) length of an address in bytes???
92h WORD (ret) offset of address???
9Ah N BYTEs (ret) buffer for hostname, alias list, and host address
---function 0016h---
18h ??? buffer for ASCIZ protocol name
98h ???
---function 0017h---
18h WORD (call) protocol number
1Ah WORD (ret) ??? or 0001h
---function 0018h---
18h 128 BYTEs buffer containing ASCIZ ???
98h 128 BYTEs buffer containing ASCIZ ???
118h WORD (ret) ???
---function 0019h---
18h WORD port number
1Ah 128 BYTEs (call) ASCIZ host name
(ret) packed servent strctures???
9Ah WORD (ret) ???
---function 001Ah---
18h WORD (ret) 0000h if successful, FFFFh on error
1Ah WORD socket's file handle
1Ch WORD (call) length of buffer for socket name
(ret) actual length of socket name
1Eh N BYTEs buffer for socket name
---function 001Bh---
18h WORD (ret) status: 0000h if successful, FFFFh on error
1Ah WORD socket's file handle
1Ch WORD (call) size of buffer for name
(ret) actual size of name
1Eh N BYTEs buffer for peer's name
---function 001Ch---
18h WORD (ret) status: 0000h if successful, FFFFh on error
1Ah WORD direction: 0000h to get, 0001h to set
1Ch WORD socket's file handle
1Eh WORD option level
20h WORD option name
22h WORD (call) length of buffer for option value
(ret) actual length of option value
24h N BYTEs buffer for option value
---function 001Dh---
no additional fields
---function 001Eh---
18h WORD (ret) status: 0000h ??? or 0001h ???
1Ah WORD file handle which may or may not be a socket
---function 001Fh---
18h WORD (ret) file handle or FFFFh on error
1Ah DWORD (call) pointer to Socket Context Record (see #00579) of a
previously detached socket
---function 0020h---
18h WORD (ret) status: 0000h if successful or FFFFh on error
1Ah WORD socket's file handle
1Ch DWORD (ret) pointer to Socket Context Record (see #00579) for
the file handle
---function 0021h---
18h 64 BYTEs buffer for DESQview startup directory (see AX=DE25h)
---function 0022h---
18h DWORD (ret) task handle of new application
1Ch WORD size of .DVP data
1Eh 129 BYTEs ASCIZ ???
9Fh N BYTEs .DVP data (see #00427 at AX=102Ch)
---function 0023h---
18h WORD (ret) ??? or FFFFh on error
1Ah WORD socket's file handle???
---function 0024h---
18h WORD (ret) DOS error code (see #01680 at INT 21/AH=59h/BX=0000h)
0000h if successful
1Ah 129 BYTEs ASCIZ filename/pathname
11Bh 129 BYTEs ASCIZ canonicalized filename/pathname (see INT 21/AH=60h)
---function 0025h---
18h WORD value of AX
1Ah WORD value of BX
1Ch WORD (call) value of CX for call if AH value other than 12h
(call) number of stack parameters if AH value is 12h
(ret) returned CX for calls other than INT 15/AH=12h
1Eh WORD value of DX
20h WORD value of DI
22h WORD value of SI
24h WORD value of DS
26h WORD value of ES
28h WORD (ret) value of FLAGS after call
2Ah N DWORDs (call) stack parameters for INT 15/AH=12h call
(ret) stack results from INT 15/AH=12h call
---function 0026h---
18h WORD (call) Network Manager subfunction (see #00559)
(ret) status??? (0000h on error)
1Ah WORD (call) size of parameter data
(ret) size of returned data
1Ch N BYTEs (call) parameter data required by call (see #00560,#00561,#00577)
(ret) result data (see #00570,#00571,#00576)
---function 0027h---
18h WORD (ret) status: 0000h if successful, FFFFh on error
1Ah WORD socket's file handle
---functions 0028h,0029h---
18h WORD (call) file handle for which to set priority low/high
FFFFh to change calling task's priority
---function 002Ah---
no additional fields