Values for DESQview/X socket API function number:
 0000h	initialize socket???
 0001h	"gethostname"
 0002h	"ioctl" check for input
 0003h	"sleep" delay for specified period
 0004h	"htons" convert word to network (big-endian) byte order
 0005h	"select"
 0006h	"bsd_close"/"so_close" close socket
 0007h	NOP
 0008h	"connect" initiate connection on socket
 0009h	"recv"/"recvfrom" read from socket
 000Ah	"socket"
 000Bh	???
 000Ch	"gethostbyname"
 000Dh	"send"/"sendto" write to socket
 000Eh	??? (does something to all connections for process)
 000Fh	"getpid" get process identifier
 0010h	"gettimeofday"
 0011h	"bind" assign name to socket
 0012h	"listen" listen for connections on socket
 0013h	"accept" accept connection on socket
 0014h	connect to X server
 0015h	"gethostbyaddr" get host information for an address
 0016h	"getprotobyname"
 0017h	"getprotobynumber"
 0018h	"getservbyname"
 0019h	"getservbyport"
 001Ah	"getsockname" determine name bound to socket
 001Bh	"getpeername" get name of connected peer
 001Ch	"getsockopt"/"setsockopt"
 001Dh	"so_exit"	 close all sockets for calling process
 001Eh	"issock" determine whether file handle references socket
 001Fh	"so_attach" reattach previously detached socket
 0020h	"so_detach" temporarily detach socket
 0021h	"dvpath" get DESQview directory (see also AX=DE24h)
 0022h	"NewProc" start new application (see also AX=102Ch)
 0023h	"so_linkup"
 0024h	"CanonicalPath" canonicalize filename (see also INT 21/AH=60h)
 0025h	indirect INT 15h call
 0026h	Network Manager interface
 0027h	"so_unlink"    close connection from "so_linkup"
 0028h	"raisepriority"
 0029h	"lowerpriority"
 002Ah	"so_private" ???
 FFFFh	"NetExit" (appears to be a NOP)