Call SHELL entry point with:
EDX = function number (0000h-0027h,0100h-0108h, mostly unknown)
0000h get version number
Return: AX = version number
EBX = system VM handle
0001h "SHELL_Get_SYSVM_Info" get system VM information
Return: CF clear
AX bit 0 set if system VM executing exclusively
BX = background time slice priority
CX = foreground time slice priority
SI = minimum time slice in milliseconds
0002h "SHELL_Set_SYSVM_Info" set system VM information
AX bit 0 set if system VM should execute exclusively (ignored?)
BX = background time slice priority (1-10000)
CX = foreground time slice priority (1-10000)
SI = minimum time slice in milliseconds (1-10000)
Return: CF clear if successful
0003h "SHELL_Crt_VM" create a virtual machine
ES:EDI -> SEB structure (see #02658)
Return: CF clear if successful
EAX = VM handle
CF set on error
EDX,EAX = result from GetSetDetailedVMError()
0004h "SHELL_Destroy_VM" destroy a virtual machine
EBX = VM handle (not system VM)
Return: nothing
0005h "SHELL_Set_Focus"
EBX = VM handle
ECX = ???
Return: nothing
0006h "SHELL_Get_VM_State"
EBX = VM handle (not system VM)
ES:EDI -> ??? structure
Return: CF clear if successful
0007h "SHELL_Set_VM_State"
EBX = VM handle (not system VM)
ES:EDI -> ??? structure
0008h "SHELL_Debug_Out"
Return: ???
Note: dummy function in retail version of MS Windows
0009h "SHELL_VMDA_Init"
Return: ???
000Ah "SHELL_VMDA_Exit"
Return: ???
000Bh "SHELL_Get_Message_Txt"
Return: ???
000Ch "SHELL_Event_Complete"
Return: ???
000Dh "SHELL_Get_Contention_Info"
Return: ???
000Eh "SHELL_Get_Clip_Info"
Return: ???
000Fh "SHELL_Set_Paste"
Return: ???
0010h "SHELL_Switcher_Assist"
Return: ???
0011h "SHELL_Get_FileSysChng"
Return: ???
0012h "SHELL_Query_Destroy"
Return: ???
0013h "SHELL_SetFocus_Cur_VM" set input focus to current VM
Return: ???
0014h "SHELL_User_Busy_API"
Return: ???
0015h "SHELL_Chng_Hot_Key"
Return: ???
0016h "SHELL_Get_TermInfo"
Return: ???
0017h ???
0018h ???
0019h ???
001Ah ???
001Bh ???
001Ch ???
001Dh ???
001Eh ???
001Fh ???
0020h ???
0021h ???
0022h ???
0023h ???
0024h ???
0025h ???
0026h ???
Note: makes VxDCALL 00178002h (see INT 20"Windows")
0027h ???
0100h get ??? version
Return: AX = version??? (0400h for Windows95)
0101h not implemented
Return: CF set
0102h not implemented
Return: CF set
0103h not implemented
Return: CF set
0104h ???
0105h ???
0106h ???
Return: CF clear if successful
CF set on error
0107h get SDK version for VxD
AX = VxD identifier
Return: EAX = VxD ID (high word) and SDK version (low)
00000000h if no such VxD loaded
Note: makes a VMMCALL 0001013Fh (see INT 20"Windows")
followed by ???
0108h ???
Return: CF set if called from VM other than system VM
Note: except for functions 0013h,0026h,and 010xh, this API may only be
called from the system VM
SeeAlso: #01283 at INT 20"Windows"