Format of CAS file transfer record: Offset Size Description ) 00h BYTE file type (ignored unless FAX) 00h ASCII 01h PCX 02h DCX 03h to 7Fh reserved 01h BYTE text size for ASCII FAX file 00h = 80 columns by 66 lines (11 inches) 01h = 132 columns by 88 lines (11 inches) 02h to 7Fh reserved 02h BYTE status of file 00h untouched 01h opened 02h moved 03h deleted 04h not yet received 05h to 7Fh reserved 03h DWORD bytes already transmitted 07h DWORD file size in bytes 0Bh WORD pages alread transmitted 0Dh WORD number of pages in file 0Fh 80 BYTEs ASCIZ filename 5Fh BYTE 1/8 inch page length if page length below set to 01h through 7Fh, this value specifies additional 1/8 inch increments to page length 60h BYTE page length 00h = 11 inches 01h to 7Fh = page length is this number of inches plus value of 1/8 inch field above 80h to FEh reserved FFh = ASCII pages ending with formfeed 61h 31 BYTEs reserved (zeros)