Format of CAS status area:
Offset Size Description )
00h BYTE event type (see #03050)
01h BYTE transfer type
00h 200x200 dpi, FAX mode
01h 100x200 dpi, FAX mode
02h file transfer mode
03h to 7Fh reserved
02h WORD event status (see #03052)
04h WORD event time (packed DOS time format, see INT 21/AX=5700h)
06h WORD event date (packed DOS date format, see INT 21/AX=5700h)
08h WORD number of files to transfer, max 7FFFh
0Ah WORD offset of file transfer record
0Ch 47 BYTEs ASCIZ phone number to call
3Bh 64 BYTEs ASCIZ application-specific tag string
7Bh BYTE reserved (00h)
7Ch BYTE connect time, seconds
7Dh BYTE connect time, minutes
7Eh BYTE connect time, hours
7Fh DWORD total number of pages in all files
83h DWORD pages already transmitted
87h WORD number of files already transmitted
89h BYTE cover page flag
00h don't transmit cover page
01h transmit cover page
02h to 7Fh reserved
8Ah WORD total number of transmission errors
8Ch 78 BYTEs reserved (zeros)
DAh 21 BYTEs ASCIZ remote FAX's CCITT identification
EFH 32 BYTEs ASCIZ destination name
10Fh 32 BYTEs ASCIZ sender name
12Fh 80 BYTEs filename of PCX logo file (max 1780x800 pixels)
17Fh 128 BYTEs file transfer record for current event (see #03053)