Format of CD-ROM control block:
Offset Size Description )
00h BYTE data being requested (see #01448)
---function 00h---
01h DWORD device driver header address (see also AH=52h,#01646)
---function 01h---
01h BYTE (call) addressing mode
00h HSG
01h Red Book
02h DWORD current location of drive's head
logical sector number in HSG mode
frame/second/minute/unused in Red Book mode
(HSG sector = minute * 4500 + second * 75 + frame - 150)
---function 03h---
01h N BYTEs undefined as of 5 Aug 88 specification
---function 04h---
01h BYTE input channel (0-3) for output channel 0
02h BYTE volume for output channel 0
03h BYTE input channel (0-3) for output channel 1
04h BYTE volume for output channel 1
05h BYTE input channel (0-3) for output channel 2
06h BYTE volume for output channel 2
07h BYTE input channel (0-3) for output channel 3
08h BYTE volume for output channel 3
Notes: output channels 0 and 1 are left and right, 2 and 3 are left prime and
right prime; a volume of 00h is off
the default setting is for each input channel to be assigned to the
same-numbered output channel at full (FFh) volume
---function 05h---
01h BYTE number of bytes read
02h 128 BYTEs buffer for drive bytes
---function 06h---
01h DWORD device parameters (see #01450)
---function 07h---
01h BYTE (call) read mode
00h cooked
01h raw
02h WORD (return) sector size in bytes
---function 08h---
01h DWORD volume size in sectors
BUGS: Aztech device driver v1.10 and v1.27 (at least) return the last sector
number, i.e. total number of sectors - 1
Windows95 returns the total number of sectors + 150 (see the Red Book
to HSG conversion formula at function 01h to understand why this
---function 09h---
01h BYTE media change status
00h don't know
01h media unchanged
FFh media has been changed
---function 0Ah---
01h BYTE lowest audio track number
02h BYTE highest audio track number
03h DWORD start address of lead-out track (Red Book format)
--function 0Bh---
01h BYTE (call) track number
02h DWORD starting point of track (Red Book format)
06h BYTE track control info
bits 15,14,12: track type (notice: bits not contiguous!)
000 two audio channels, no pre-emphasis
001 two audio channels with pre-emphasis
010 data track
100 four audio channels, no pre-emphasis
101 four audio channels with pre-emphasis
other reserved
bit 13: digital copy permitted
---function 0Ch---
01h BYTE CONTROL and ADR byte (as received from drive)
02h BYTE track number
03h BYTE point or index
04h BYTE minute \
05h BYTE second > running time within track
06h BYTE frame /
07h BYTE zero
08h BYTE "AMIN" or "PMIN" \
09h BYTE "ASEC" or "PSEC" > running time on disk
---function 0Dh---
01h DWORD starting frame address (Red Book format)
05h DWORD transfer address
09h DWORD number of sectors to read
Note: copies 96 bytes of sub-channel info per sector into buffer
---function 0Eh---
01h BYTE CONTROL and ADR byte
02h 7 BYTEs UPC/EAN code (13 BCD digits,low-order nybble of last byte is 0)
09h BYTE zero
---function 0Fh---
??? documentation not yet available
01h WORD pause status (0000h not paused, 0001h paused)
03h DWORD audio play start address
07h DWORD ??? audio play length or end address