Values for MODE 10h "MANAGER STREAM" opcodes (valid only for those listed):
00h allow window to be moved horizontally
01h allow window to be moved vertically
02h allow window to change width
03h allow window to change height
04h allow window to be scrolled horizontally
05h allow window to be scrolled vertically
06h allow "Close Window" menu selection for application
07h allow "Hide Window" menu selection for application
08h allow application to be suspended ("Rearrange/Freeze")
0Eh allow "Scissors" menu
10h allow DESQview main menu to be popped up
11h allow "Switch Windows" menu
12h allow "Open Window" menu
13h allow "Quit" menu selection
20h-33h opposite of 00h-13h, disallow specified action
40h notify if horizontal position of window changes
41h notify if vertical position of window changes
42h notify if width of window changes
43h notify if height of window changes
44h notify if window scrolled horizontally
45h notify if window scrolled vertically
46h notify if window is closed--program has to clean up and exit itself
47h notify if window is hidden
48h notify if "?" on main menu selected
49h notify if pointer message sent to window
4Ah notify if window is placed in foreground
4Bh notify if window is placed in background
4Ch notify if video mode changes
4Dh notify if "Scissors" menu "Cut" option selected
4Eh notify if "Scissors" menu "Copy" option selected
4Fh notify if "Scissors" menu "Paste" option selected
50h notify if DESQview main menu about to pop up
51h notify if DESQview main menu popped down
60h-71h opposite of 40h-51h: don't notify on specified event
84h attach window to parent task's window (both move together)
85h detach window from parent task's window (may move independently)
86h disable background operation for application
87h enable running in background
88h set minimum size of physical window
BYTE rows
BYTE columns
89h set maximum size of physical window
BYTE rows
BYTE cols
8Ah set primary asynchronous notification routine (see #00449)
DWORD address of routine, 0000h:0000h means none (see also below)
8Bh set async notification parameter
DWORD 32-bit value passed to 8Ah async routine in DS:SI
ACh (DV2.2+) perform regular select field attribute processing
ADh (DV2.2+) protect attributes in selected field from being lost
AEh make window default notify window for owning app (API level 2.00+)
AFh set selected field marker character
BYTE character to display at left edge of selected fields
BCh set standard field processing mode
BDh set alternate field processing mode (enables cursor pad for menus)
BEh disables changing reverse logical attributes with ECh opcode
BFh enables changing reverse logical attributes with ECh opcode
C0h make current window topmost in system
C1h force current process into foreground
C2h make current window topmost in process
C3h position mouse pointer relative to origin of current field
BYTE rows below upper left corner of field
BYTE columns to right of upper left corner of field
C4h position mouse pointer relative to origin of given field
BYTE field number
BYTE rows below upper left corner of field
BYTE columns to right of upper left corner of field
C5h orphan current window (also hides it)
Note: must be last in stream; all subsequent commands ignored
C6h show all windows for this process
C7h hide all windows for this process
C8h suspend process and hide all its windows
C9h force current process into background
CAh make current window bottom-most in process
CBh cancel current window manager operation, remove DV menu, give control
to topmost application
CCh orphan window and give it to the system for use as paste data
CEh reorder windows
DWORD pointer to null-terminated list of words; each word is segment
of object handle for a window
FFh no operation
SeeAlso: #00439,#00446,#00448