Values for critical error code:
00h (0) write-protection violation attempted
01h (1) unknown unit for driver
02h (2) drive not ready
03h (3) unknown command given to driver
04h (4) data error (bad CRC)
05h (5) bad device driver request structure length
06h (6) seek error
07h (7) unknown media type (non-DOS disk)
08h (8) sector not found
09h (9) printer out of paper
0Ah (10) write fault
0Bh (11) read fault
0Ch (12) general failure
0Dh (13) (DOS 3.0+, "multitasking" DOS, PTS-DOS & S/DOS) sharing violation
0Eh (14) (DOS 3.0+) lock violation
0Fh (15) invalid disk change / wrong disk
10h (16) (DOS 3.0+) FCB unavailable
10h (16) uncertain media
11h (17) (DOS 3.0+) sharing buffer overflow
11h (17) character call interrupted
12h (18) (DOS 4.0+) code page mismatch
13h (19) (DOS 4.0+) out of input
14h (20) (DOS 4.0+) insufficient disk space
Note: Critical error codes 00h..0Ch are the traditional codes reported
through INT 24. These code assignments are mapped to error codes
13h..1Fh reported by INT21/AH=59h (see #01680). Similarly, the
DOS 3.x critical error codes 0Dh..11h are mapped to INT21/AH=59h
error codes 20h..24h, however, the DOS 4.0+ critical error codes are
not mapped.
BUG: Paragon Technology Systems' S/DOS 1.0 sources (a stripped down issue
of PTS-DOS 6.51 with sources on CD) erroneously list DOS INT 24
error codes 12h..14h as 11h..13h, however, since the sources do not
make use of these defines, this seems to be only a documentation
SeeAlso: #02544,#02546,#01680