Format of NetWare "Get File Server Lan I/O Statistics" reply packet:
Offset Size Description )
00h DWORD clock ticks since system started
04h WORD total routing buffers
06h WORD maximum routing buffers used
08h WORD current routing buffers used
0Ah DWORD total file service packets
0Eh WORD number of file service packets buffered
10h WORD number of invalid connection packets
12h WORD packets with bad logical connection numbers
14h WORD number of packets received during processing
16h WORD number of requests reprocessed
18h WORD packets with bad sequence numbers
1Ah WORD number of duplicate replies sent
1Ch WORD number of acknowledgements sent
1Eh WORD number of packets with bad request types
20h WORD requests to attach to ws for which a request is being processed
22h WORD requests to attach from ws which is already attaching
24h WORD number of forged detach requests
26h WORD detach requests with bad connection number
28h WORD requests to detach from ws for which requests pending
2Ah WORD number of cancelled replies
2Ch WORD packets discarded due to excessive hop count
2Eh WORD packets discarded due to unknown net
30h WORD incoming packets discarded for lack of DGroup buffer
32h WORD outgoing packets discarded due to lack of buffer
34h WORD received packets destined for B,C, or D side drivers
36h DWORD number of NetBIOS packets propagated through net
3Ah DWORD total number of non-file-service packets
3Eh DWORD total number of routed packets
Note: all fields are big-endian
SeeAlso: #02079,#02080 at AH=E3h/SF=E7h