Format of AMI BIOS Flash ROM parameter block:
Offset Size Description )
00h 32 BYTEs ASCIZ description of the file's contents
20h BYTE Logical area type (see #00545)
21h DWORD logical area size (overall size of area)
25h BYTE flag: load from file (FF=yes, 00=no)
26h BYTE flag: reboot after update (FF=yes, 00=no)
27h BYTE flag: update entire image (FF=yes, 00=no)
28h 24 BYTEs ASCIZ logical area name (cooresponds to offset 20)
"System BIOS"
"Logo Data Area", etc.
40h 15 BYTEs ASCIZ time stamp string: MM/DD/YY-HH:MM
4Fh BYTE checksum for this header (sum of all bytes except this one)
if checksum would be 00h,01h, or FFh, it is set to 2Ah
50h DWORD this file's starting address (offset in image)
54h DWORD size of image chunk in this file
58h BYTE logical area type - same as offset 20h
59h BYTE flag: last file in chain (FF=yes, 00=no)
5Ah 6 BYTEs ASCIZ signature "FLASH"
60h 16 BYTEs ASCIZ filename of next file in chain
70h 16 BYTEs ASCIZ BIOS reserved string (usually version #)
Notes: this block is identical in format to the 128-byte header on an AMI
BIOS Update file
for AX=DB00h, the following fields must be specified: 50h,54h,58h;
the fields at offset 20h and 5Ah should also be set if possible
the fields at offsets 40h and 70h will be set on return, if available
SeeAlso: #00546