Format of FaxBIOS SCHED_ADD_FILE command buffer:
Offset Size Description )
00h 12 BYTEs common data (see #02935)
0Ch WORD schedule handle
0Eh WORD file type
0000h unidentified
0001h native file format
0002h ASCII
0003h FaxBIOS Tiff Class F
10h 80 BYTEs file name
60h 80 BYTEs font token
B0h WORD conversion options bitmap
B2h WORD resolution
0000h standard 98 lines per inch, 204 dpi
0001h fine 196 lines per inch, 204 dpi
0002h Group4 300 dpi
0003h Group4 400 dpi
B4h WORD page length
0000h 279 mm (11 in)
0001h 297 mm (11.69 in)
0002h 364 mm (14.33 in)
0003h unlimited
B6h WORD page width
0000h 215 mm (8.46 in)
0001h 255 mm (10.04 in)
0002h 303 mm (11.93 in)
0003h 151 mm (5.91 in)
0004h 107 mm (4.21 in)
B8h WORD binary file transfer specification
0000h only as FAX
0001h only as file (for non-faxable files)
0002h as file when possible else FAX
BAh WORD seam flag (nonzero for seam with next)
BCh WORD delete flag (nonzero to delete when done)
BEh 6 BYTEs future expansion
C4h WORD structure size
SeeAlso: #02943,#02945