Format of Lock Status Information:
Offset Size Description )
---lock status 00h---
no fields
---lock status 01h---
00h BYTE number of waiting task
01h DWORD start address
05h DWORD end address
09h BYTE volume number
0Ah WORD directory entry number
0Ch 14 BYTEs ASCIZ filename
---lock status 02h---
00h BYTE number of waiting task
01h BYTE volume number
02h WORD directory entry number
04h 14 BYTEs ASCIZ filename
---lock status 03h---
00h BYTE number of waiting task
01h BYTE length of record name
02h N BYTEs ASCIZ record name
---lock status 04h---
00h BYTE number of waiting task
01h BYTE length of semaphore's name
02h N BYTEs ASCIZ semaphore name
SeeAlso: #02042,#02043