Format of EDID Text Identification Strings:
Offset	Size	Description	)
 00h  3 BYTEs	00h 00h 00h (to distinguish from detailed timing description)
 03h	BYTE	text identifier
		FFh serial number
		FEh vendor name
		FDh vertical/horizontal frequency range
		FCh model name
---frequency range---
 04h	BYTE	00h ???
 05h	BYTE	minimum vertical refresh frequency in Hz
 06h	BYTE	maximum vertical refresh
 07h	BYTE	minimum horizontal frequency in kHz
 08h	BYTE	maximum horizontal frequency
 09h	BYTE	FFh ???
 04h 14 BYTEs	text, may be terminated with either a NUL (00h) or LF (0Ah)
SeeAlso: #00132