Format of CD-ROM directory entry (direct copy):
Offset Size Description )
00h BYTE length of directory entry
01h BYTE length of XAR in Logical Block Numbers
02h DWORD LBN of data, Intel (little-endian) format
06h DWORD LBN of data, Motorola (big-endian) format
0Ah DWORD length of file, Intel format
0Eh DWORD length of file, Motorola format
---High Sierra---
12h 6 BYTEs date and time
18h BYTE bit flags
19h BYTE reserved
---ISO 9660---
12h 7 BYTEs date and time
(seventh byte is offset from GMT in 15-minute increments)
19h BYTE bit flags
---both formats---
1Ah BYTE interleave size
1Bh BYTE interleave skip factor
1Ch WORD volume set sequence number, Intel format
1Eh WORD volume set sequence number, Motorola format
20h BYTE length of file name
21h N BYTEs file name
BYTE (optional) padding if filename is odd length
N BYTEs system data
SeeAlso: #02629,#01352