Call MRCI entry point with:
	DS:SI -> MRCREQUEST structure (see #00728)
	CX = type of client (0000h application, 0001h file system)
	AX = operation
	    0001h perform standard compression
	    0002h perform standard decompression
	    0004h perform update compression
	    0008h perform MaxCompress
	    0020h perform incremental decompression
	    0040h perform MRCI 2.0 standard compression
	    0080h perform MRCI 2.0 standard decompression
	AX = FFFFh clear flags
	    BX = bitmask of flags to clear (set bits in BX are flags to clear)
Return: AX = status
	    0000h successful
	    0001h invalid function
	    0002h server busy, try again
	    0003h destination buffer too small
	    0004h incompressible data
	    0005h bad compressed data format
	BP destroyed (MS-DOS 6.2)
Note:	MRCI driver may chain to a previous driver