Format of NETWARN Configuration structure:
Offset Size Description )
103h 7 BYTEs signature string "NETWARN"
10Ah BYTE major version in ASCII (="1")
10Bh BYTE minor version in ASCII (="0")
10Ch DWORD minimum size of EXE cared about in bytes (/S=xxxx)
110h WORD same value in kilobytes (see #03028 [bit 4])
112h BYTE multiplex code (AH value) actually being used
113h WORD options (see #03028)
115h DWORD INT 21h vector before NETWARN loaded
119h DWORD INT 2Fh vector before NETWARN loaded
11Dh 16 BYTEs ASCIIZ local name of last device which was checked
12Dh 128 BYTEs ASCIIZ remote name of last device which was checked
Note: the specified offsets are from the start of the resident segment