Format of memory-map table structure: Offset Size Description ) 00h WORD length of table (excluding this word) 02h DWORD local memory between 1M and 16M, in 1K blocks 06h DWORD local memory between 16M and 4G, in 1K blocks 0Ah DWORD system memory between 1M and 16M, in 1K blocks 0Eh DWORD system memory between 16M and 4G, in 1K blocks 12h DWORD cacheable memory between 1M and 16M, in 1K blocks 16h DWORD cacheable memory between 16M and 4G, in 1K blocks 1Ah DWORD 1K blocks before start of non-system memory between 1M and 16M 1Eh DWORD 1K blocks before start of non-system memory between 16M and 4G 22h WORD start segment of largest free block from C0000h-DFFFFh 24h WORD size of largest free block 26h DWORD reserved