Format of SPX header:
Offset Size Description )
00h WORD (big-endian) checksum
02h WORD (big-endian) length in bytes of total packet
04h BYTE transport control
05h BYTE packet type (see #03816 at INT 7A/BX=0003h)
06h 10 BYTEs destination internet address
10h WORD (big-endian) destination socket
12h 10 BYTEs source internet address
1Ch WORD (big-endian) source socket
1Eh BYTE connection control (see #03827)
1Fh BYTE datastream type
FEh terminate connection request packet
FFh terminate connection acknowledgement packet
other user-defined, ignored by SPX
20h WORD (big-endian) source connection ID
22h WORD (big-endian) destination connection ID
24h WORD (big-endian) sequence number
26h WORD (big-endian) acknowledge number
28h WORD (big-endian) allocation number
SeeAlso: #03815