Format of FindFirst data block:
Offset Size Description )
---PC-DOS 3.10, PC-DOS 4.01, MS-DOS 3.2/3.3/5.0---
00h BYTE drive letter (bits 0-6), remote if bit 7 set
01h 11 BYTEs search template
0Ch BYTE search attributes
---DOS 2.x (and some DOS 3.x???)---
00h BYTE search attributes
01h BYTE drive letter
02h 11 BYTEs search template
00h 12 BYTEs 15-character wildcard search pattern and drive letter (packed)
0Ch BYTE search attributes
---DOS 2.x and most 3.x---
0Dh WORD entry count within directory
0Fh DWORD pointer to DTA???
13h WORD cluster number of start of parent directory
---PC-DOS 4.01, MS-DOS 3.2/3.3/5.0---
0Dh WORD entry count within directory
0Fh WORD cluster number of start of parent directory
11h 4 BYTEs reserved
---OS/2 MVDM---
00h WORD "OS2_BMP_handle"
02h WORD "OS2_LastEnt"
04h DWORD "OS2_Checksum"
08h BYTE "OS2_usi_flag"
09h DWORD used by DOS emulator for second pass for volume-label searches
0Dh WORD (ret) "DOS_LastEnt" entry count within directory
0Fh BYTE OS/2 Processed-FindFirst flag
00h FindFirst processed by DOS
42h FindFirst processed by OS/2
10h 5 BYTEs reserved for future use
---all versions, documented fields---
15h BYTE attribute of file found
16h WORD file time (see #01665 at AX=5700h)
18h WORD file date (see #01666 at AX=5700h)
1Ah DWORD file size
1Eh 13 BYTEs ASCIZ filename+extension