Format of linear executable fixup record:
Offset	Size	Description	)
 00h	BYTE	type
		bits 7-4: modifier (0001 single, 0011 multiple)
		bits 3-0: type
			0000 byte offset
			0010 word segment
			0011 16-bit far pointer (DWORD)
			0101 16-bit offset
			0110 32-bit far pointer (PWORD)
			0111 32-bit offset
			1000 near call or jump, WORD/DWORD based on seg attrib
 01h	BYTE	linear executable fixup type (see #01617)
---if single type---
 02h	WORD	offset within page
 04h	relocation information
	---internal fixup---
	BYTE	object number
	BYTE	one-based module number in Import Module table
	BYTE/WORD ordinal number
	WORD/DWORD value to add (only present if modifier bit 4 set)
	BYTE	one-based module number in Import Module table
	WORD	offset in Import Procedure names
	WORD/DWORD value to add (only present if modifier bit 4 set)
---if multiple type---
 02h	BYTE	number of items
 03h	var	relocation info as for "single" type (above)
      N WORDs	offsets of items to relocate