Format of WAVE Audio Services structure:
Offset Size Description )
00h 4 BYTEs name of the structure
04h DWORD structure length
08h 16 BYTEs for future expansion
---entry points (details???)---
18h DWORD DeviceCheck
11h compression (see also #00117)
12h driver state
13h get current pos
14h sample rate
15h set preference
16h get DMA,IRQ
17h get IO address
18h get mem address
19h get mem free
1Ah full duplex
1Bh get block size
1Ch get PCM format
1Dh enable PCM format
80h-.. vendors can add DevChks above 0x80
20h DWORD PlayBlock
24h DWORD PlayCont
28h DWORD RecordBlock
2Ch DWORD RecordCont
30h DWORD PauseIO
34h DWORD ResumeIO
38h DWORD StopIO
3Ch DWORD WavePrepare
40h DWORD WaveRegister
44h DWORD GetLastError
01h unsupported feature/function
02h bad sample rate
03h bad block length
04h bad block address
05h app. missed an IRQ
06h don't understand the PCM size/format
80h-.. vendors specific errors
48h DWORD TimerTick
4Ch DWORD ApplPSyncCB: CallBack: play filled in by the app
50h DWORD ApplRSyncCB: CallBack: rec filled in by the app
SeeAlso: #00120,#00124