Format of Linear Executable (enhanced mode executable) header:
Offset Size Description )
00h 2 BYTEs "LE" (4Ch 45h) signature (Windows)
"LX" (4Ch 58h) signature (OS/2)
02h BYTE byte order (00h = little-endian, nonzero = big-endian)
03h BYTE word order (00h = little-endian, nonzero = big-endian)
04h DWORD executable format level
08h WORD CPU type (see also INT 15/AH=C9h)
01h Intel 80286 or upwardly compatible
02h Intel 80386 or upwardly compatible
03h Intel 80486 or upwardly compatible
04h Intel Pentium (80586) or upwardly compatible
20h Intel i860 (N10) or compatible
21h Intel "N11" or compatible
40h MIPS Mark I (R2000, R3000) or compatible
41h MIPS Mark II (R6000) or compatible
42h MIPS Mark III (R4000) or compatible
0Ah WORD target operating system
01h OS/2
02h Windows
03h European DOS 4.0
04h Windows 386
0Ch DWORD module version
10h DWORD module type (see #01610)
14h DWORD number of memory pages
18h Initial CS:EIP
DWORD object number
DWORD offset
20h Initial SS:ESP
DWORD object number
DWORD offset
28h DWORD memory page size
2Ch DWORD (Windows LE) bytes on last page
(OS/2 LX) page offset shift count
30h DWORD fixup section size
34h DWORD fixup section checksum
38h DWORD loader section size
3Ch DWORD loader section checksum
40h DWORD offset of object table (see #01611)
44h DWORD object table entries
48h DWORD object page map table offset (see #01613)
4Ch DWORD object iterate data map offset
50h DWORD resource table offset
54h DWORD resource table entries
58h DWORD resident names table offset (see #01614)
5Ch DWORD entry table offset (see #01615,#01616)
60h DWORD module directives table offset
64h DWORD Module Directives entries
68h DWORD Fixup page table offset
6Ch DWORD Fixup record table offset (see #01618)
70h DWORD imported modules name table offset
74h DWORD imported modules count
78h DWORD imported procedures name table offset
7Ch DWORD per-page checksum table offset
80h DWORD data pages offset
84h DWORD preload page count
88h DWORD non-resident names table offset
8Ch DWORD non-resident names table length
90h DWORD non-resident names checksum
94h DWORD automatic data object
98h DWORD debug information offset
9Ch DWORD debug information length
A0h DWORD preload instance pages number
A4h DWORD demand instance pages number
A8h DWORD extra heap allocation
ACh 12 BYTEs reserved
B8h DWORD offset of VERSIONINFO resource (MS-Windows VxD only)
BCh DWORD pointer to ??? (dynamically-loadable VxDs only???)
C0h WORD device ID (MS-Windows VxD only)
C2h WORD DDK version (MS-Windows VxD only)
Note: used by EMM386.EXE, QEMM, and Windows 3.0 Enhanced Mode drivers